One Good Turn Deserves Another

Turn. A word that changes depending on its use.
To turn means to change directions.
If a banana turns, it means to transform.
A turn in the road makes you change direction.
If it is your turn, it is your time to do something.

Why this word took a turn in my consciousness is that it seemed to be turning up everywhere.

I had recently written a lyric about seeing the hand of God everywhere I turn. Then I wrote about seeing the heavens open up at every turn. Okay, that was my writing in the same season, so no big surprise that the word would reappear. But then, in my morning devotional, ( – One on One – 100 days with Jesus) the author offered an interpretation of John the Baptist’s message of repentance.

“Only an honest turn from sin will open your heart to God. Only then will you be ready for the Messiah.”

That word turned up again.

Turn away
Turn around
Turn from sin
Turn to God
Turn the page
There is a season, turn, turn, turn.

But “one good turn deserves another”?

A dog goes around in circles to finally find a place to rest. How often do we do the same?

Have you ever slipped on ice or in the mud?
The second step tries to compensate for the first, but usually ends up badly.
Have you found that a little lie requires a bigger lie to cover the first?
How about the first sin making the second one easier to stumble into.

In the same way, the first act of kindness makes the next one easier. The first forgiving may be the hardest, but it makes way for the next.

A turn can either continue to build up or tear down. If you are headed in the wrong direction, turn around. The first step in the right direction may be hard, but it leads to the next, and the next, and the next until the wrong way is a distant memory.

But remember:

“Only an HONEST TURN from sin will open your heart to God. Only then will you be ready for the Messiah.”

One honest turn deserves another.
Is it your turn or mine?

Taking my turn to turn back to God
And Blessed in Great Measure



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