A learning curve is a graphic representation of one’s effort and knowledge of a new task in relation to the time span required to become proficient at said task, or more simply put, an uphill climb. I liken it to a winding mountain road, where you cannot see around the bend to the end of the curve, whether that be level ground or a downhill slope. More often than not, it leads to yet another curve. There is always more to learn.
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it”. – Albert Einstein
King Solomon, known as the wisest man that ever lived, had 700 wives, so the thought of 700 mother-in-laws makes me question his wisdom. The Lord came to Solomon in a dream to offer him anything he asked. Instead of riches, he sought wisdom to discern right from wrong to help govern the people. It is unclear if he awoke wiser or simply more in tune with God’s infinite wisdom, but being only 15, there most likely was a learning curve involved. Yet, his overconfidence took hold and he in-advisably took in foreign wives that drew him to worship other Gods. This led to his demise and that of his kingdom. Apparently, he was more interested in different kinds of “curves”.
Whether a learning curve is a steep vertical climb or traveling around a turn to an unknown end, there is great value in persistence. As with Solomon, self-reliance and complacency can have disastrous results.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
This proverb, ironically written by Solomon, instructs us not to rely on our “intelligence”, but to trust in the Lord to straighten our paths. Since we were raised to work and provide for our families, letting go of the reins can be difficult. We must learn to trust, which is a continual journey. We gather knowledge through prayer, studying scripture (in whatever form the Lord places before us) and by walking in footsteps of those that have traveled this way. The Lord directs these various pieces into a divine symphony to enlighten our paths.
We may not know what lies around the next learning curve, but God has planned something wonderful when we arrive. Continually praying for wisdom and seeking knowledge is the best way to proceed along this journey.
Being prayerful and willing to learn as the Lord teaches.
And Blessed in Great Measure
If you have been blessed by my meager ramblings, send me a note at john@blessedingreatmeasure.com. I love to hear good stories.
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