My Parables

Find Your Pace, Find HIS Peace

I have never been a fan of coffee. If sour grapefruit juice doesn’t get you going, nothing will. I…

The Rest

Dropping a dime in my virtual jukebox spun “He’ll Take Care of the Rest” by Keith Green. A funny…

Gently Weeps

A small-town sidewalk deep in the smoky mountains, with the hand of my precious bride in tow, we dipped…


4:45 am – 85 degrees – 90% humidity. Instead of snuggling with my precious bride in the air conditioning,…

Forgiven Heart

Staring through a windshield between bug splatters and bird droppings, storm clouds gathered, and thunder rumbled. As the first…

Still My Soul

I am one who must keep moving. If I stop to rest, my mind reminds me of all there…


There was a man possessed with demons, living in the catacombs where he howled and cut himself with stones….

Unforced Errors

Have you ever spoken a word in jest, or in stress, that upon reflection seemed in error? Something that…

Brass Rings

In the early 1990’s, carnival carousels were in their heyday. In the earliest versions, the horses on the outer…

There Are No Words

A somber note was in the air as Holy week came to a close. Joyous Hallelujahs and waving of…