My Parables

Pieces of String

Beloved – dear to the heart. One such person came to mind as I…

Render to Caesar

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marveled…

Hundred Reasons

A hundred reasons not to move. Insufficient preparation. Not enough sleep and what I found was not restful. Not…

My Steady

Have you stared at the expanse of a starlit sky, or miles and miles of waves crashing…

Merry Christmas, Dad

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even…


Taking an alternate route to avoid traffic, I traveled on a faster but less crowded highway. Approaching an exit,…

Love Memories

Battle scars, we all have them. Multiple remnants on shins from stumbling in the dark, surgeries removing or replacing…


Dewdrops set on an unusually warm November morning, and I found myself struggling to take the next step let…

Instant Oatmeal

Empty contents into bowl. Add boiling water and stir. Let stand for two minutes. Oatmeal in an instant. Gooey…

Dual Citizenship

Saul-Paul, the man who would become an apostle of Christ, was not a Roman citizen, but was afforded some…