In a quiet parking lot, we stood together as one of our number told of the biopsy, she underwent late last week. It’s been a rough year with both spouses being in and out of surgery and the journey back to normalcy. Now this. The results won’t be in until later and the waiting is hard. Through tears she said, “if this is the path God has led me to then I will walk it.” He is perfect as are His plans, but there is fear in the unknown. When the tests turn up negative (as we pray for), this will be a passing memory. Should they be more ominous, we will stand arm in arm and battle together.
As a group with different faith traditions gathered to lift our friend, I thanked God for the healing He has already begun in her. True faith is thanking God in advance of His blessings, then waiting to see what they will be. Not always easy but when it has come, we look back with no doubt it was the Hand of God. It takes really big prayers for a really big God to bestow really big answers.
As each offered a hug and words of encouragement, all that came to mind was, “This is just a bump in the road.” On reflection, it seem a bit insensitive as a bump is the very thing biopsied. Yet, as often the case with God whispers, there is more to it than merely words.
When she looks back on this chapter, it will be but a few pages of a story of a life well lived, and a heart well loved. This slight pause will not end her journey for she is way too strong for that. God purposely wove strength into her being and she knows it (as do we all). And if a greater battle looms on the horizon, she will not fight alone. Her fellow warriors stand beside her and behind her (with hands raised of course), led by He who defeated death.
Lord, may You be glorified in her healing. Grant her strength and hold her closely as You carry her over this bump in the road.
Amen …
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