A hundred reasons not to move. Insufficient preparation. Not enough sleep and what I found was not restful. Not enough prayer and what I did was clumsy at best. Not enough of many things.
But for each hundred reasons not to, there were a hundred people needing me to be where I needed to be. A hundred people put food on the table because I found my way to my desk. Today, a hundred mourned and celebrated a life well lived because I found my way to the church piano. A hundred more reasons to move and less to stay put (though spending the day with nothing to focus on but my bride’s soft green eyes is hard to beat). Still, I ventured into the fog to do what needed to be done. A hundred steps, a hundred notes, a hundred prayers (well not yet, but I’m working on it.)
When I think there is no good reason to move is exactly when I should be moving. When I think there is no good reason to pray is exactly the time to pray. Apathy and a warm bed are dangerous places to be when there are a hundred reasons to move.
A hundred reasons to let her stay snuggled in her old bedroom, but she had a hundred reasons to hop a flight halfway across the country. So, we took a hundred steps forward. With each step, a hundred more reasons to pray.
Lord, please bless those that I love and hold dear, and those that I do not, yet…
If these words have been a blessing, pass them along to another who needs to hear. Reach out to me at John@LiftedKeys.com and tell me your story. I would love to know where and in what way God has guided His words through my pen.
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