The day ahead held tasks of greater importance in the Kingdom than an extra day of business would provide. A day of carrying another’s aching soul, and perhaps some rest for my battle-weary heart, a chance to focus on what really mattered.
An urgent message interrupted what was a pleasant evening with my bride in hand. Some critical business apparently had to be done by early the next morning. Funny how things on other people’s desks become critical when they won’t expend the effort to do it themselves. My heart sank and thoughts of retirement re-surfaced … and made a convincing argument. My mind went into a tailspin, but I knew if I went to exercise early, I could steal a few extra hours from what I should have been doing.
My eyes had barely closed before I was consumed by facts and figures, my pencil breaking at the most inopportune time, like the college entrance exam from a few years ago (okay, more than a few). I awoke suddenly, my mind counting lines on the ceiling and measuring their distances. I didn’t dare look at the clock, but I needed sleep.
In a moment of frustration, I sought the Lord, thanking Him for His great mercy and asking for peaceful slumber once more.
… whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure … think about such things. Philippians 4:8
So, I did, but my mind would not be deterred for long. I tried again, and again, until the alarm rang like a bell ending a fifteen round boxing match.
I stumbled out of bed looking for sweatpants and running shoes to face an hour of weights and cardio work, things that adhere to numbers, reps and sets, until it is done. When a new athlete worries about their speed or strength compared to others, the words of encouragement are:
Keep going. You’ll get there.
It’s all good, as long as you get there.
With my mind in its hurried state, I lost focus on my breathing and what my body is capable of (or not), working at a feverish pace. A friend said, “At that rate, you’ll get there sooner.” As if on cue, my heart began pounding in my chest, a sure sign to slow down.
The goal this morning was health, but the true goal is heaven. My heart was yelling, “If you don’t slow down, you’ll get there soon all right!”
I took off on a jog in the cold winter air, away from the noise to a place I had heard God’s voice before. He was there waiting.
As long as you get HERE.
Keep going, I will be your strength.
Thoughts of stopping short of the finish line faded. My legs felt a surge of power, my breath, a second wind.
By the Grace of God, I had finished the race today.
Now, on to finish THE RACE.
As long as you get there.
Special thanks to Gracie Cassias for loaning her sky.
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