Beneath Flowers

The news of the passing of the sweetest lady struck me deeply. Her husband has been a friend and mentor for decades and every encounter with the two of them was a blessing, some of my favorite days. She has certainly earned her heavenly reward for putting up with the likes of him, and in extension, me.

I have never been comfortable with funerals or open caskets. All that remained was an empty shell of this crumbling mortal frame and memories held in the hearts they loved and who loved them dearly. My heart is broken for the man she walked beside for the better part of fifty-eight years.

My wife worked for a funeral home, and she approached it as an opportunity to serve, an honor to care especially in the face of such tragedy. Each person, whether breathing or not, is precious soul, a child of God, worthy of the utmost respect and dignity. The lesson was not lost on me.

Though we all face the moment we return to dust, it’s the in-between that matters most.

In My Utmost for His Highest – Jan 15, Oswald Chambers spoke of a white funeral, a death to our old selves:

There must be a white funeral, a death with only one resurrection … a redirection into the life of Jesus Christ.

He asks a hard question: Has there been a point in your life you now mark as your last day? Have you had your white funeral?

I’ve known people who can recite the day, time and place of their rescue. They celebrate a Re-Birthday. I don’t recall a single day, but many. God’s mercies are new every morning and that is good because the adversary’s schemes renew each day as well.

Then He (Jesus) said to them all, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.” Luke 9:23

There is great joy in heaven when the lamb who was lost is found, when the prodigal son returns. If I were only steadfast enough not to stumble, one white funeral would be enough. But the Lord knows me and knows I am not. I am grateful He is patient and forgiving as I strive to be a man after His own heart.

Lord, as we lay our sweet friend to rest and You welcome her into Your loving arms, help me to leave my old self in the grave as well. Buried beneath earth and flowers, returning to dust but never forgotten.


Please pray for my dear friends.
God knows who and why.



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