
I had the honor of being part of two weddings. Both brides, longtime friends of our daughter. Both grooms well suited for the personalities of each. However, that is where similarity ends.

One wedding, a handful of guests in a backyard garden space. The other, a church full of friends and family. For the one, simple and easily flowing, with a home cooked meal on mismatched family china. The other, more structured, rules and traditions, with a catered dinner and dance. Both sweet and very special.

Despite the contrast in style, I was drawn back to the similarity. Each service began acknowledging the presence of God, each couple exchanged promises, their unions with Christ at the center.

Jesus attended a wedding in Cana, not as the focal point, but as a guest. They had run out of wine, and it would have ruined the celebration if not for Mary bringing the problem to Jesus. He took jars of water, blessed them and the water became wine, and not just any wine, but the finest of wines. The crowd, the families, perhaps even the married couple themselves were not aware of the miracle that had taken place.

At this weekend’s weddings, Jesus was not only at the center, but also a guest, performing miracles we were unaware of. How often is that the case in our lives?

In Cana, Jesus took something seemingly ordinary and made it exquisite. Knowing these two couples, some since grade-school, they are anything but ordinary. Yet with Jesus, their lives together will become extraordinary, exquisite. This is my prayer.

It is my prayer for you as well.


If these words have been a blessing, pass them along to another who needs to hear. If you would like to read more, subscribe below or email me at John@LiftedKeys.com and we can find a way.



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