Pelicans Flew

Waves rolled in. Waves rolled out. Pelicans flew.

The world weighed heavy on my shoulders and aging knees began to crumble. I prayed and prayed for strength but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) let go. One more burden piled on, too much to bear.

Somewhere, waves rolled in. Waves rolled out. Pelicans flew.

With my capacity to multitask depleted, I faced the simplest task before me, a long drive to a future project site. With just enough focus to stay between the lines and a safe distance behind crazed drivers, I rolled the windows to a hot Texas wind. One Thing I Know by Selah came floating in. Good, because one thing is about all I can handle.

God will take away your pain
If you choose to let it go.
If there’s one thing I know.

And … I’m broken.

Somewhere, waves rolled in. Waves rolled out. Pelicans flew.

Struggling to give it all to the One Who knows my heart completely, a call broke the silence. An opportunity, perhaps an answer to prayer, yet I was consumed by the waves, confusion washing over me once more.

God whispered, “This is not that moment.”
Waves rolled in. Waves rolled out. Pelicans flew.

Forces of this world, gravity if you will, push the ocean from shore to shore, crashing in the rocks. God holds back the waters, allows waves only so far and rolls them back into the depths. So, it is with my heart.

In this moment,
Waves rolled in. Waves rolled out. Pelicans flew.


If these words have been a blessing, pass them along to another who needs to hear. If you would like to read more, subscribe below or email me at and we can find a way.
And let me know what your think, in what way a story touched your heart. I value your thoughts.



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