Fix it and Lead

My father taught us to do for ourselves. If it’s broke, fix it. If you don’t know how, ask or dive in and learn. Then lead. And this was long before the YouTube how-to days.

When it came time to put my little stories in print, I found companies who would transform a raw manuscript into a book, for a fee of course. Not having a few thousand laying around waiting to be spent, I dove in and did it myself. Funny thing though, the day after my book hit Amazon, I got calls from publishers wanting to re-release them under their name, again, for a fee. Well, why not? I’d done all the hard work. They just stamp their logo on the cover and call it finished.

One such call roused my ire. He said, “Whoever does your work did okay, but it’s a bit amateur. We can do better.” I challenged, “Oh really? How would you fix it?” He’d get his “team” to dig in and make it right. Again, for a fee. He hadn’t seen my website or read my stuff. It didn’t take very much to expose his true colors.

But then, how different am I? Does my true self show through a thinly veiled masquerade? Will the Phantom of the Opera mask crumble at the slightest challenge revealing the ugly underneath? When I put pen to paper, I fear it may reveal too much of who I was, and in some ways, still am. But there is great truth in a broken man being redeemed by a loving God, no matter how hard it is to relive those days.

When I wipe away this painted-on grin, I don’t always like what I see in the mirror. Yet, my father’s words return.

If it’s broke, fix it. If you don’t know how, ask or dive in and learn. Then lead.

I pray God may use my feeble efforts to shine His Great Light and help you find your way.



If these words have been a blessing, pass them along to another who needs to hear. If you would like to read more, subscribe below or email me at and we can find a way.
Reach out and tell me your story. I would love to know where and in what way God has guided His words through my pen.



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