Impractical, Impossible, Unexpected

We tend to dream small for things that are reasonably attainable, a good job with good pay if we work hard, an “A” on tomorrow’s test if we study, and some rain, which we know will come sooner or later. We hold on to small prayers and small dreams as to not be disappointed, having less room to fall. But what about big dreams? Is it only when a friend is deathly ill or a baby fighting cancer that we pray really hard, sweat pouring off our brow like blood? When only a miracle will do? And when the intensity of the moment has passed, do we settle back into our lukewarm prayer life, scrolling past sports scores and the foolishness in our social media feeds? (index finger pointed firmly in my own direction)

I have prayed for healing, changing hearts, wisdom and patience always adding “if it is Thy will”, though it feeds my doubt, lack of faith, and gives me someone to blame when prayers are left unanswered or unanswered to my liking. Instead of asking, asking, asking, begging, pleading, I am learning to thank God for what He is already doing in each situation. He has heard my prayers, my cries, my dreams, and He “is “moving mountains in His time in His way. Too often I pray in ignorance of what I want or need only to see God fulfill what I truly need.

It takes bold faith to ask for the impractical, unreasonable, really big dreams for a really big God to display His Greatness. Perhaps it takes the impossible and unexpected to show, without a doubt, it is the Hand of God at work.

Do not fear praying big prayers and dreaming big dreams. For as His ways are higher than ours, His dreams for us are so much greater than we could imagine.

Unreasonable? Some call faith in the unseen foolish. Impractical? The Son of God took on human form, walked among us and died on a cross in our place. Impossible? He rose again, defeated death, and still lives. I know because I spoke to Him just this morning, so anything is possible for the Creator of all things.

I pray hard for miracles and sometimes wonder if He will, or when He will, but I never question if He can.

HE can.


Special thanks to Pastor Mark Batterson and “The Circle Maker” for teaching me to draw circles.

If these words have been a blessing, pass them along to another who needs to hear. Reach out to me at and tell me your story. I would love to know where and in what way God has guided His words through my pen.



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