John Adams

Impractical, Impossible, Unexpected

We tend to dream small for things that are reasonably attainable, a good job with good pay if we…

Pray A Visit

A conversation with a friend about someone in need and the message came across, “I’ll pray her a visit,”…


The first step in writing is finding a favorite spot, a creative corner, a place to escape the trappings…


A day in the sun, toes in the sand, beach umbrella not unlike the one in the drink beside…


The shadow of a looming mountain darkened my face as I crumbled to my knees, little did I know…

‘Preciate it

Sunday morning, second pew is one person lighter than last week. One of the strongest men I know sat…

Time Well Spent

My day job requires visualizing blue lines on white paper into what a project will be and what it…


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be…

Manna Mañana or Taco Tuesday?

The Israelites wandered the desert complaining to Moses about having nothing to eat. Then the Lord said to Moses, “I…

Find Your Pace, Find HIS Peace

I have never been a fan of coffee. If sour grapefruit juice doesn’t get you going, nothing will. I…